On April 4, 2015, the 11th street astronomical night held in Green Lake of Kunming, sponsored by the amateur astronomers association of yunnan province, OPTOLONG as the trustee of the amateur astronomers association sponsors this activity.Yunnan amateur astronomers association set the most heavyweight astronomical telescope – caliber 40 centimeters “mobile” observatory for public viewing “red moon”, there are about 2000 people around here.
In order to give more people the opportunity to watch the red moon, amateur astronomers association of yunnan province take the way of line up in turn, 5 seconds to watch per person.At 19:30 pm., citizens have been up nearly 100 meters long line, waiting to take the camera to see “red moon”.The street astronomical night, in addition to the “mobile observatory” such a “big guy”, yunnan province amateur astronomers group members also brought their telescopes out to the citizens to watch and take photos.There a dozen telescope in Green Lake,and behind each telescope are lined up a long team.

At 19:55 points , “red moon” climb from Green Lake hotel direction, slowly rising more and more red.To the total lunar eclipse, the moon presents a rare bronze.Citizens took out their phone and filmed “red moon”.
The eclipse totality phase only 4 minutes and 43 seconds,the duration is the shortest total lunar eclipse since 134 years, but also can be observed in the our country this year only a total eclipse of the moon, miss this chance, you might wait until 2018 to see the next total lunar eclipse.